Saturday, May 15, 2010

Guess what I will be when I grow up

Extravaganza! Outdoor vacuuming bonanza!
Anyway that was what I saw today when I was going home from school after doing my presentation on potatoes and flowers etc. In other words, my home country's characteristics, facts and all the other goods. It went really well - I got a few laughs and I didn't get a stage fright fever either. Although I would really have liked to receive some questions afterwards, all the firstlings (that was my audience - high school first years) shied away from the opportunity.
Since my last recording here, my life at school has went smoothly, happily and I feel really at ease. I actually managed to solve some exercises in maths too. I literally jumped of joy when I did it. Hey, I understood the question in mathematical Japan(a)nese. Plus, I've finished the basic level Kumon and soon am going to start the intermediate one. 必勝
Also, my class at school has begun preparing for the school festival in July. We are going to do a stamp rally, where some of us are cosplaying characters that our 3 groups A, B and C decided ((Pokemon), One Piece and Alice respectively) and are the ones to give stamps to the players and others are managing the contestants papers and other necessities for the game. Our endeavour's title and slogan are Come on and catch me! It's not so easy as you think! Our roles are going to change during those 2 days many times so everybody will do everything in the end. Anyhow, I belong to the Alice group and I'm going to cosplay...


Yes, I'm going to do the costume myself. :) I'm really psyched about it. I only have about 1 and a half month left so I'm going to think of the cleverest way to do it. The opening bang will be tomorrow. Going to search for a pink shirt. (God is in the details as they say.)
I went to Akita Onsen today. The baths there are so great and there's one outside too, inside a Japanese garden. There was also a sauna and to be frank, it was impressive. The decor was usual, but a television set there was rather amusing. They really think of everything here. :) But what I really liked was the smell of wood in there. You could also smell it in the garden. It really cleanses you inside out.
Also, inside the onsen complex was a restaurant which serves the best curry udon so far! It was called ishiyaki curry udon which was served inside a thick rock bowl and the soup was still bubbling. It was a great experience! Hot as hell, but great in taste.
Okaasan ordered a fish dish called buri ishiyaki, which turned out to be a grilled gigantic fish head. It too was delicious, but we all had quite a scare when we first saw it. (Put some lemon juice on it and it will all go well.) Anyhow, the place really went into my heart so I wanted to share my thoughts a bit.

Until next time! 3-9!
Log out static


  1. Ma nägin täna öösel unes, et Sa olid Lõuna-Koreas KOOS ORANGUTANGIDEGA PALMI all(:D!!!!). Rohkem ma oma unenäost kahjuks ei suuda meenutada, aga tagant järgi mõeldes on see ikka pagana naljakas!
    Muide, Eestist on saanud troopika. Dot`t get it at all what is happening in here!Sellist õhku nagu neljapäeval olen ma varem kohanud vaid siis, kui Itaalias käisin.Aga väga lahe!Eile veetsime 4 tundi 6st õues, jee!
    Mulle meeldib see lause God is in the details, mnjaa!
    Ja siis veel tuli mulle meelde, et käisin ju ka Alice`it vaatamas.Visuaalselt suurepärane. Burton ja Depp on geeniused, järjekordne näide sellest. Aga sisu oli küll kehvem kui varemates tema teostes,mida olen näinud, mis ei tähenda, et sisu hea ei oleks olnud. Aga üldiselt meeldis ikka väga!
    Aga ma vaatan, et Sa oled selles Jaapani-elukeerises juba nii sees(et ma ei imestaks, kui talvel tuleb mulle lennujaamas vastu hoopis üks väikest kasvu pilu)
    Ahjaa, mida nad siis leiva ja kama kohta ütlesid ja meie klassist ja maast ja kõigest sellest arvasid?
    Ja muidugi KALAPEA!KALAPEA?
    Ma lähen nüüd sellepääle kööki praetud räime sööma ja tundma järjekordset tunnet, et pagana hää on olla ugri-mugri eestlane!

  2. Ole sa neetud Leeni Laasfeld oma Eesti toidu6rritustega! X'l
    Nali naljaks, aga see kalapea oli hingematvalt massiivne (atakk) ja maitses muidugi 8lih22. H2mmastav oli see, et tolle kala silmade kohalgi oli kuhjaga liha. Ma olin kohe shokeeritud!
    Ma olen jah kuulnud et teil seal on p2ris k8te. Mul veidi jahe siin, ikkagi kevad ju. :) Tahaks tegelikult t6esti orangutangidega soojas kohas palmi all olla. PS mu koolireis ongi ju L6una-Koreasse. Kas ma pole veel seda maininud? Igatahes, n88d ma seda tegin.
    Kui sa pole sellest midagi kuulnud - h2mmasatv ennustamisv6ime nagu ikka! ;)

  3. Arrrgghhh... Stina, ole nii kena ja saada lõunasse veidi jahedust. Ma juba praegu kohati sulamas, sest Osakas on PALAV! Kuuled mind, palav!
    Ma suvevormiga ja puha juba nädal-kaks, kaotasin järje.
    Ja lucky, ma pole veel onseni jõudnud, aga eks sellenigi on veel aega.
    Lõuna-Korea kõlab ka eksootiliselt. Aga palju see reis sulle maksma läks? Mul muidu koolireisi vist pole.

  4. Ma siin ikkagi ma ise! ei viitsinud sisse logida.
    Aga jah, see Korea tuleb mul kallis, see on kindel.
    Ja sa oled koukou 1 onju? Siis pole jah reissu. See on 2ndike jagu.
    Ma tahaks ka tegelikult suvevormiga juba ringi lipata. Siin ka p2ev-p2evalt palavam, uehh! Kuidas bukatsu? Ma siin ikka m2ssan, et sisse saada 8htegi! Siinpool on k6ik spordikad kole tugevad ja iga p2ev kella 7 on trenn, ka n2dalavahetuste hommikul.

  5. Olen jah koukou 1, aga mul mingi pooled tunnid koos kolmanda aasta omadega koos - muuseas veel päris väikese klassiga ka, neil seal ainult 20 inimest. Minu enda klassis on koos minuga 43.
    Nii et lõunatan kolmanda aasta omadega tihti, seal vaiksem ja rahulikum. :D
    Ma võtsin koolis ainult kitarriklubi, mis mulle väga meeldib, ainult mina ja üks teine tüdruk, õpetaja ka väga tore. Ning siis veel käin kyudos, üks koht tunni aja kaugusel kodust. Ja see on vägagi meeldiv! :) Eestis jätkan raudselt küll lääne vibulaskmisega - rohkem minu moodi. Aga seniks - kyudo! Ehkki kaks korda nädalas (money..).

  6. you have to take a picture of yourself in your mad hatter costume, and enter it to the alice contest over at deviant art!

  7. that I'm trying to do. i have a good idea (I think) of what to do, but I'm not sure if I make it on time. GANBARIMASS!
    and it is definitely me here. :)

  8. Hei, kuule, kuulsin midagi oma vennalt - selle 6ppeaasta l6pust alates l2hevad veel 9 6petajat GAGist. Agur teeb "puhastust." Nende hulgas ka Veltri...

  9. Paraku pole mu ennustamisvõimed ennast veel avaldanud ja olin ikka sellest teadlik, et Sul plaanis Koread külastada on. Usun, et reaalsus on unedega seotud küll mingil määral, aga mul pole õrna aimu ka, kust need orangutangid sinna said...
    Alice`i konkurss- just täpselt. Stina " the massively mad hatter" Seppel!

    Je crois que je deviens un lapin de seize oreilles demain parce que la langue francais me rend folle!La vie sera belle le mardi!

    Ole tubli!

  10. Ma olen lihtsalt sillas, et sa minuga veidi prantsuse keelt jagasid. Ait2h!!!
    Ma annan endast parima selle kost88miga. Vaah, ma pean selle k8bara ise tegema, aga see k6ik tundub nii huvitav nii et pole lugu!
