Hello, hello, hello one and all!
First off, a little musing for you.
Since about June, as I'm diligently walking to school early in the morning, I've noticed a single Japanese maple tree. It was bright red in midsummer.
When I pass it now, it has turned green, bright as spring. Have I found the fountain of opposite aging? Born elderly and dying as a newborn?
I have no clue, but it feels like a damn movie to me.
On a lighter note, I also saw my first pomegranate tree right next to that. Well, I always saw it, but without the fruit I didn't know what I was actually looking at. What a fine example of human ignorance. :)
So, onwards!
About the 'Jab of Autumn' - summer is now completely (and FINALLY I must say) over. There are chilly winds and flowing leaves and as of tomorrow all of us Kitako students are going to change into our winter uniforms, also we have finished our mid-term school exams (I made great effort with maths and Japanese mind you) and now has begun my final 3 months in the land of the rising sun.
I mustn't think like that! Snap out of it! Good. :)
And now 'my Jab' - I decided to take the 1st level JapaneseLanguageProficiencyTest. Oh my dear lord. I'm actually going to do it! In two months! And kendo tournament in a month!
YAY!!! :D
I must admit that I'm definitely a northern person - the chill of autumn and the smell of leaves has brought me my energy back and I feel like my 'old boney self again'. (Just a quote, nothing to do with my figure really. Come on, it's hallowe'en soon!)
I feel like I can do anything! Wahoo! Wish me luck and backbone to keep it up! (everything)
So I'll set sails to sleepland before I blow the computer up with my chakra happiness.
Hey hoyhoy!
PS Does anybody like Ranma? Or at least has heard of it?
Lots of hugs fo yuu!
ReplyDelete1 level, päris kõva, igatahes edu sulle!
Mis aineid sa koolis õpidki, saad sa jaapani keeles matemaatikaga hakkama?:D Sellesmõttes, et kas said eksami läbi?:)
Tervitused Eestist Christiani poolt.
Ohoo, kellest pole ammu kuulnud!
ReplyDeleteAit2h! Edu l2heb mul tarvis. ma muidu koolis 6pin k6ike olemas olevaid aineid - inka, mata, japs (vana ja uus), bio, jaapani ajalugu jne. Ja mataga saan ma 8llatavalt h2sti hakkama juba. Kuid need eksamid ei loe minu suhtes grammigi! :D aga ma muidu oleks l2bi saanud k8ll, 22ri pidi.
Tervitused ka minu poolt!
ReplyDeleteIssand, ma olin juba rõõmus, et jess, uus postitus ja siis vaatasin, et oih, see oli kuu aega tagasi kirjutatud ja ma polnud seda varem näinud. Ja siis mõtlesin, et oktoober on sellest aastast justkui plehku pannud minu jaoks...."time-trick?"Väga hämmastavalt imelik.
Sa tead küll, muidugi, et olen jälle Su postituse peale kerges eufoorias, aga kell on kesköö...(ohoo, kella keeramise aeg , holy rabbit, kui hea ajastus, ehk siis ma kirjutan Sulle hetkel, mil ajal poodub kindel tähendus(kui äge x2), ossa!Meil on NÜÜD Eestis talveaeg:)
Ühesõnaga, ma just olen nii palju viimasel ajal mõelnud sellest elu tagurpidi elamisest ja nüüd tuled Sina selle jutuga, nagu mõttelugeja.Magic happens:D
Ole tubli!
Suured kallid!
Ja vahtralehed ka!