Monday, September 06, 2010

Where have all the crimson red leaves gone? (They're yet to come.)

Oh dearest me, I've been away for too long.
Hello again and sorry for the absence!

I'm back at school after an amazing summer break full of 'The Japan' (sounds like champagne in my head for some odd reason) and for the blast off the week before last we had a sports' festival over the course of 3 days, which was a first for me. Usually it's only 1 day in my 'home school', but triple it and it's a lot more fun. There were no grades, no teachers critiquing, but teachers running! Yay! Loved it. We had a lot of games, hurdles, races, team challenges and so on.
But after that began the usual (as usual as it can be for me under the circumstances) school days with kendo and Kumon language study (only K and L left!).
As of now, it's week 3 from the last half of my exchange year.
Oh my lord.

Which brings me to the topic about the big plans I still have, which I also wanted to share on this blog for a long time -
I'm going to take the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) on December 5th, which will probably be in Miyagi prefecture in the capital of Tohoku - Sendai city. I'm yet to decide which level I'm going to take, but currently I'm between the 1st and the 2nd one, the former being the highest grade. I didn't consider it myself (I was rather between 2 or 3), but my YFU rep suggested me to take the challenge, but I'm really uneasy about even just thinking about it. 2 sounds nice... so what would it be?

But as for kendo, my teacher is determined to put me in a competition for newcomers (read: novices) in the beginning of November. I'm going to a kendo tournament people.

*edit* (I got to know that it's an open tournament, in which anyone who wants can join (including pros, shivering!) and that it's on 2~3 November.)

When I first heard about his plan I was in a state of utmost shock. I didn't know what to say or in what language I should say it. My friends were almost the same. They just clapped their hands with their mouths opened in amazement. The only thing I heard them say was 'sugoi' (awesome) or 'arienai hodo rakkii da bee' (You're a unbelievably lucky little bugger, aren't cha?).
But it's decided and today I heard the news that their ordering the tare (name flap) for me and all the preparations for the gear are already running. I just need to make my name into kanji so wish me luck as to not make it have a seriously weird meaning.

What am I going to do?! I'm really fired up for the match, but there's still some inklings of uneasiness left about the whole ordeal. I only have about a month and a half left for training (add that to the time I've been in kendo so far and you get around 4 months of practice overall!) and soon after the tournament I need to start giving my all for the JLPT test.

What a life!!!

Also the test is going to be just around my birthday as you might know, which makes it some sort of a present. A peculiar idea for a gift I must say.
I've already ordered and received some guide books and example questions but I'm quite at a loss about the levels. Well, just need to make it quick and permanent. I have a lot of teachers kind enough to give me some advice about it so I think I'm safe in all aspects.
I also need to go to the photographer's, but I think I should polish up my Shaggy mop-hair before that, which has taken over my face over the summer. It's quite ticklish and I have unbearable nose itches recently. Why am I saying it? Just for laughs ;) I don't want to turn into a Wookie either. Growl!

So that's that and no harm done, I'm sure. Just wanted to give a small heads up about my upcoming doings over here and how I've been keeping up.


Merry goings to those over seas and high lands and a happy new school year!
Tschau pakaa!

Lots of love from Japan!


  1. Hei, ongi lõpuks uus postitus.
    Päris busy tundud olevat seal, aga vähemalt on sul tore ja vahva. :)
    Kohe sissekannet lugedes on tajuda, et sa oled täitsa omas elemendis ja vaimustuses kõigest.
    JLPTga seoses... mm, noh, eks sa peaks ise teadma kui heal tasemel sa oled. Ma arvan, et 2 suudad sa ära teha, aga 1 on teatavasti kirves, aga siiski usun siiralt, et saaksid ka sellega hakkama, kui sa seda tahad.
    Ja kendo - 4 kuud ja võistlema, congratz!!! :D Soovin sulle palju palju edu seal!

    Kallid Eestimaalt,

  2. Tead, Stina, ma lugesin seda teksti ja mul konkreetselt jooksid kahel korral külmavärinad üle selja (peale bolditud rida). Võimas tunne!Ootasin Su uudist ja nüüd tuli kohe nii palju ilusat ühe ropsuga. Excellent!Mul on Sinu pärast nii siiralt hea meel, et Sa ei oska seda ette kujutada ka!
    Stina conquers the world!Juhhuudaduudidaamm!
    Hoian Sulle pöialt, every single day!

  3. Mul on siiralt hea meel teie m6lema heade s6nade eest! Ait2h toetamast! Ja ait2h lugemast! Kuidas teil ka l2heb seal? Hoidke mind veidike koolieluga sealpool ka kursis ja oma tegemistest kah. Ma ju avalikult jagan oma elu siin avarustes. :D

    Heipsassa! Kalli ja aidaa!

  4. No, mis ma öelda oskan. Uus eKool on.. noh, ma ei tea, millise sõnaga seda kirjeldada annaks. Näide: kui sa teed mingi koduse töö ära, siis saad linnukese panna sinna, et see on tehtud. Siis tuleb sulle tekst "Õnnitleme! et kirjutada lugu selle ülesande täitmisest vajuta siia" See siia tähendab, et sa saad kirjutada oma isikliku eKooli blogi sissekande. Ja muuseas saad sa panna omale profiilipildi, lisada kontakte ("sõpru"), kirjutada omale "ülesandeid" ehk näiteks memosid ja nii edasi. Ja minu esimene kogemus eKooliga oli üldse see, et see teatas mulle, et ma olen lõpetanud gümnaasiumi. Sain esimest korda kõike (ntx koduseid töid) näha alles eile.
    Lisaks on meil investeeritud nelja LCD ekraani, mis sööklas toidulettide (kui neid nii kutsuda) kohal ripuvad ja teatavad "Ütle kokatädile aitäh!" jne.
    Ühesõnaga vana hea kummaline kool. Aga kõiki nägusid seal on ikka tore näha. Kuidagi kummaline küll ilma sinu ja Evata..
    Endal on veel vaja koolirütmi sisse elada. Järsku on üle pika aja vaja reaalset õppetööd teha ja mul veel veidi juhe. Aga kohanen. Meenutan vaikselt prantsat ja vene keelt ka. :D

    Põhjamaa karget tuult sulle!

  5. Hei,

    Ma ütleks siiski igem sulle 1 tase, kui et 2. Ausalt. Nii palju kui mina olen aru saanud, suudaksid sa seda. Usun sinusse rohkem kui sellesse, et vahel on taevas roheline!
    Kas sa juuksuris pöle käind'? Või ise nokitsenud? Kuigi... äkki Wookie-look on... hea vahelus? Ei, siiski mitte. Aga paneb mõtema.

    Ja veel üks asi, kui ma seda lugesin, mõte lendas niimoodi - oh, kendo mätsh, võiks külla minna, tahaks näha. Oh, lähekski! Ja siis tuli reaalsus 150000 tonnise raskusega. Oeh.

    Ps, midagi veel,
    Tsau! Kalli ka, ja pai, ja shokolaadi!
    /Eva. (mitte nagu ma kunagi esimeses tunnis oma nime kirjutasin - Ebia. (ha, nagu hebi!) Sul tuli parem välja)
