Friday, July 23, 2010

Hippari to sappari to to

Hipa! I hope everybody's doing well.
Have you ate pancakes recently?
I know I have.

As usual - kendo is still on going! Giving my best and stomping and screaming as much as I can. I think I've made some progress, but that's only logical I guess. I've also tried some kendo free fighting and I am a weasel. Slow, but still a weasel. Interpret it as you wish. Just give it a bit negative feeling.
On the other hand, the teacher told me that I might be able to enter a tournament for newcomers around the end of this year.
But nonetheless overly happy! It's still a 'maybe' situation, but I'm doing my best to be ready when it should happen.

On a different note, on the 18th I went to eat kakikoori (shaved ice with syrup) with the 'Kendo Girls' (naming sense!). It's been quite some time since I last went out to do something relaxing after school and it really was fun! The place we went to was a through and through kakikoori restaurant (!) called Chawa, serving only ice and sugary liquids! I'm completely honest when saying that it serves the best shaved ice in Akita. I ordered one with a really fresh grapefruit jam on top and it was soooo good! :3 I also got to taste kiwi and mango from my friends too. Yummy yum yum omnomnom.
Also on that day I went to see Arrietty with my host mum and sister (just a day after the release! Yau!) which also was my first time going to a Japanese cinema. I must say that it is COMPLETELY different from the Estonian one. For instance we have no goods' shops there, which is somewhat a pity... but I got an Arrietty memo book and just for laughs I also bought a classic swirl lollipop. The big one. I still have most of it left. Ah, it's so nostalgic. I think I was 5 when I last ate one. :D Plus, there's no applauding in the hall after the end. Whu~?
(A heads up for those who don't know, Arrietty is the latest Ghibli Studio production. Be sure to go and see it. :)
Next time (if it actually comes) I want to see Toy Story too, one of my all time Disney favourites.

On Monday I had my YFU summer orientation (yippii!) in Hachimori Bunakkoland (almost the most upper part of Akita pref) which is famous for it's beech forests and seashore. It was a cloudy day, which was actually a blessing. Great for driving and for my poor, poor eyes, oh my.
I was happy to see my friends still alive and I was quite surprised to see so many short stay (American) students in Akita. I thought it was a quiet place concerning the matter of exchange study, but I guess I was wrong (which was good). After the introductions we went to trek the forest of Mononoke. Yep, it really looked exactly like the scenes from the movie, which is no wonder, because the backgrounds actually were inspired by the forests there. Unfathomable that I was lucky enough to go there. My heart almost stopped when I saw the first rapids of the river flowing under the tree branches, hitting the rocks by the riverside with high splashes and the sprinkles unexpectedly softly landing on my face. I almost could feel myself sinking into the forest.
After the breath taking experience, we had a huge barbeque, but it was quite tricky to eat without burning your fingers off. The grill was so damn glowing hot! But we all survived with minor casualties. Later with our tummies full, we all got to chat to our hearts content and relax. I also taught some Estonian to the exchange student going to Estonia in the beginning of next month, which was a novel feeling. Me? A teach? Naah! Unfortunately though we soon had to part ways again.
From that point 'quality family time' began. We jumped through the nearby Hatahata-kan onzen which had a wonderful view to the sea whilst you were soaking in a boat shaped bath on the veranda. Afterwards we went to eat garlic ramen nearby, which as my host dad said was quite famous around those parts. He was proven to be right quite soon. Late lunch anyone?Awesome garrrlic, delicious garrrlic, I'll sing to you about garrrlic. Reminded me of my mum's cooking a lot for some odd reason.
Anyway, no problems with vampires from now on.
Heh, like I've had any.
We arrived home quite late that night after a 2-hour drive, but on that night, over a long time, I slept soundly like I used to in my early ages. Sniff. The glory of children.
In the orientation I learned that I have a chance to go to a Junior Red Cross camp for 2 days during the last weekend of July. I decided that I'll go so I'm really giddy for it. What will happen there I wonder...

So for closure, I had a lot of fun time during the weekend past, but the best part was unquestionably the time when I felt like I actually got into the magnificent forest of Gods and Spirits of Ghibli Wonderland.
I'm planning to go there again sometime.
In person, in my dreams, by any means.
And speaking of Ghibli, Totoro is on so I'm flying.
(Sorry for the abruptness!)

Until next time and bye-bye! And thanks!
Sails hoy!

PS Photos will come later this week. Promise. Although there isn't much.


  1. Have you recently eaten pancakes?
    Tead, ma pole elu sees ühe nädalaga nii palju pannkooke söönud kui sellel: 6 gigantset pannkooki!Me saame tehases tasuta süüa. Tellin pannkooke.Oo, need on päeva tipphetked, mm!
    Vaata, Lord Of The Rings-is on see väike elukas. Lugedes seda Garlicu kohta Su tekstis tuleb mulle tema hääl kõrvu ja see on nii pagana naljakas, et ma hakkan diivanil kohe hüplema. Geniaalne!Uuh, garlic, my precious!
    Kordan ennast veel nagu katkiläinud makk, mis polegi tegelikult katki, aga kes on avastanud oma lemmiklause ja selle salvestanud ning kordusrežiimile pannud: Su elu on nii üüber ilus ja põnev seal!:)
    Restoranidest rääkides, tahtsime minna Sakurasse reedel, aga see on jälle kolinud ära. Ei saagi augustini ramenit...Aga teen ülehomme ise ühe gigantsehunniku sushit!:)
    Muide, mis kooli see vahetusõpilane tuleb?

  2. Vahva! Sa ei kujuta ette, kuidas ma tahaks praegu kohupiima s88a ja mamma pannkooke. Siinsed on mingid libapannkoogid nimega hotcake (pannkook a la Ameerika), mis sind l2mmatada p88avad, kuid siiski ei saa ma o:elda, et need poleks maitsvad. Mul on plaan see suvevaheaeg neid 6igeid siin k8psetada. Ka eepilist KRINGLIT. Ma ei kujuta ette, kuidas mul see v2lja tuleb...

    Mul on kahju, et sellel restol on selle rahakitsikus t2nap2evas nii l2inud. See k6ige 6igem Amija oli ikka k6ige parem... aga kolis? V6i lihtsalt j2lle kinni? Ehitavad nad selle uuesti? Sooviks k8ll... aga sinu sushid on 8limaitsvad. Lihtsalt tahtsin mainida. :)

    Aga mu elu on siis ausalt t6esti ilus. Liigagi. Peaks seda maalima minema, kuid ma olen selline looder, et tead mulle k2ib see juba vastu. Olen iseenda suurim vainlane! >_<"

    Vahetus6pilane ise ei ole ka kindel oma kooli suhtes veel, nii et minulgi pole halli aimugi, kuid ta pere pidavat olema Viimsi kandis, kui ma ei eksi, ilusa vaatega metsale ja puha.

    INIMENE!!! Ma tahan Haapsallu!!! Ja Eesti randa, sest mind siin ujuma ei taheta viia. x)

  3. Oo,Su küpsetised tulevad kindlasti oivalised, nagu ikka!Aga ära üle ka pinguta, muidu veel ei lase nad Sind talvel enam tagasi Eestisse ja panevad Su oma kööki väikese valge orjana tööle kringlit küpselatama, ehast koiduni!
    Ei kaotata ära, Tatari tänavale pidavat kolima:)
    Tahaksin ise ka Haapsallu. Sest Tallinnas on toimumas midagi äärmiselt veidrat:
    Eelmise nädala keskmine veetemperatuur Tallinnas 23 c
    Sel nädalal merevesi....ta-ta-ta-taa:
    Kakumäel 4 kraadi, Stroomil 6.Homme saab vist juba uisutada meie kaunil Läänemerel!Õhutempreatuur endiselt 32.Bizarre!

  4. Oh sa siga! T6esti? Kas sa mitte ei eksi? Loodus on vist k8ll upperkuuti selili visanud siis.
    Ja ole mureta! Mind nii lihtsalt orjaks ei saa teha. Olen ju karated ja kendotki juba vehkinud. :) Aga koju tulles teen teile kah ja kui kevad sel ajal soojemaks l2heb l2hme lubatud piknikule.

    Kuid kiru sa hunti ja hunt tuligi - kui ma sain ennist selle kommentaari sulle kirjutatud, j6udis mul siinne emake koju ja k8sis 'Kas sa mere22rde ei tahaks minna?'
    Ma vannun, et keegi nuhib mu m6tteid ja siis raporteerib need vastavatele olulistele isikutele. >.>
    Muidugi me l2ksime siis ka ja siinne meri on jube soe, kuid siiski jahedam kui 6hk, mis oli 8likosutav.

    Jah, loodus on upperkuuti visanud. xD
